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May 3rd-7th

Hello!! This is going to be a very busy week for us! We wrapped up DIBEL and state testing today, and that feels amazing! Next week Mrs. Whitcomb will finish Science state testing, and we will complete our Math and Reading MAPS test. At that point we will be done with ALL assessments for the year! Thank you in advance for sending the encouraging letters to me. They LOVED opening these from all of you! The kids have worked so hard on all of their testing, and I could not be more proud of them. I know how long and daunting all of these add up to be for them. I have been trying to get them outside for an extra recess on our testing days, which they seem to enjoy.

Tomorrow is field day. As a reminder, please send them with a water bottle with their name on it, athletic shoes and sunscreen if they need it!! A sack lunch will be provided for the kids to eat outside as well. As a reminder, parents are allowed to attend field day!!! Feel free to come and enjoy a great day with your kiddo! :)

On Friday we will be headed to Emporia for our field trip. A note went home about this, but the kids will be skating from 9-11, and then we will eat lunch and play at Peter Pan Park then head to B&B Theaters to watch the movie "The Goonies".  Unfortunately parents are not allowed to attend due to Covid restrictions. I have almost all the money collected for that, but if you have not sent your $10.00, please do so ASAP.  Most importantly, please do not forget to send a  sack lunch and socks for skating  on Friday! 

Friday will also be Ms. Richmond's last day with us, as she will graduate in a few weeks. She has done an outstanding job, and will be greatly missed by the kids and I. We will have a small celebration for her on Thursday since we will be on our field trip her last day.

The weeks are flying by, and we are almost there! Thank you in advance for sending your student to school with a charged iPad, and good rest. That makes a world of difference!! 

Have a great week!

Mrs. Coffman

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