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January 5th-11th

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Welcome back!! It was so good to see the kids after the long break!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and a long, well deserved break. First things first, thank you so much for all the wonderful Christmas gifts and goodies that your students brought into me before break! They made my week, and I truly appreciate all of your kindness. I wanted to get thank you notes out before we went home, but time slipped away from me those last few days!! Also, a big thank you for sending me all the wonderful family traditions pictures!! By now you know those were not for a Social Studies project, but for your Christmas present. The kids worked SO HARD ON THESE, and the amount of pride they took in this project was so TOTALLY awesome to see!! 


Today we started our first novel unit. This will take the place of our normal L.A. instruction. Therefore, we will not have any spelling tests for the next 2-3 weeks. The kids were so sad when I told them this! :) You will also not see a lot of pass backs coming home either, as we are doing all of our work out of a novel unit packet that I have created for them. You may however see them bring it home from time to time to finish up on their daily work that they did not get completed during the day. I will not be taking weekly grades like you normally see, instead they will get one lump grade on their packets after they turn them in.

Spelling Bee!! We will be hosting our classroom spelling bee Friday Jan. 8th. The top 5 and 1 alternate from our class will advance to the school bee on Tuesday Jan. 15th. 

Word of the Day....We are almost done!! We are on word, 76 today which means our 80 day quiz is near! The kids will take the test next Monday. The final 100 day test is quickly approaching. If we do not have any snow days, we will be taking our final 100th day test over all 100 words on Thursday February 4th. We will have our big, 100th day celebration all day on the 100th day of school, which will be Friday Feb. 5th!! 

I think that is about it for this week! I am attaching pictures from all the fun activities we did before break! As always, thanks for all you do to support me in the classroom.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Coffman 

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