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March 15th-19th

Hello! Sorry that I totally forgot to update this last week!! It was a busy week! The kids started tracking their mushers last week for the Iditarod and have been loving moving their sleds to different checkpoints. This will be a fun group to read the novel with!


The kids are doing a nice job on their nightly homework assignments. I have missed a few nights here and there because I forgot to pass it out to them at the end of the day. They are providing thoughtful responses though, and I appreciate that. 


Last week we had the K-State extension ladies come in and provide a lesson on nutrition. These are always great lessons, and I am thankful our kids get to experience this! We just wrapped up our biography unit, and the kids did an excellent job on their biography essays.  This week we will be starting an autobiography pet newspaper. They are all excited to get started on it!

One last thing, next week will be Spring Break so I will not be updating the site. However, the week we return will be a 4 day week due to Good Friday. Easter will be the weekend that follows, so we will have our Easter party the Thursday we get back from Spring Break, which will be April 1st. This totally snuck up on me! I have Courtney Judd down for snacks, Michelle Barnhart down for drinks, and Amber Haag down for goodie bags. I appreciate you in advance for being willing to help out with our parties! :)

I think that is all for this week! I am adding pictures from a few cool things that have happened last week!

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Coffman



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