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January 19th-22nd


Happy Tuesday!  First and foremost, a big shout out goes to our very own Alisa Skalsky who took 3rd place in our OES school spelling bee!! She will be advancing to the Lyon County Spelling Bee in February. Congratulations Alisa!!  All our our 5th grade spellers did a fantastic job in the school bee as well!

Our novel is coming right along, and we are getting so close to finishing . The kids are LOVING IT!! We will spend a large majority of this week testing (MAPS, DIBELS, Predictive interim), but we will also be working on some  Novel Research projects. The kids will split into groups to do research on communication devices, cerebral palsy, inclusion and photographic memories. On Friday their group will present to the class their findings.

We will also start working on the skill of reciprocal teaching. This is a wonderful discussion strategy that really helps the kids have great discussions with each other. They will really enjoy doing it too!

This week we will also have a special visitor come in and talk to our class about his own personal communication Device! Luke Musick will come in and demonstrate how his communication device works. His device is very similar to the one Melody (the main character in our novel) has and uses, so this will be a great thing for them to be able to see!

In the next few weeks we will have some fun activities going on! We will have our last and final 100th day test, over all 100 words next Thursday, February 4th. We will then have our big 100th day celebration on Friday, Feb. 5th. I have been reminding the students to study, but would  appreciate your help reminding them too!

Last week we also had the K-state extension ladies come in and do a lesson with us on nutrition. It was a lot of fun, and the kids learned so much. I think that is about all for this week. Below are some pictures of the kids using their communication boards in class instead of talking. That was one long 30 minute session! lol

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Coffman

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